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Sep 19, 2024: The quest for great latte art means that when I fail, I forget sometimes that I still made myself a tasty cup of coffee. I get worked up, down on …

Sep 18, 2024: Old harmful patterns are usually still there, under the surface. They don’t have antidotes. To live differently requires choosing differently, …

Sep 17, 2024: Hidden guitar

Sep 17, 2024: Being an artist means your taste will always exceed your ability. Being a professional means keeping sane despite being an artist.

Sep 16, 2024: Podcasts should have intermissions every half hour. I don’t want to pause in the middle of a narrative beat but the dishes are done and …

Sep 15, 2024: Drawing practice. Emphasis on organizing light with five values #drawing #artpractice

Sep 15, 2024: In other news: Viola

Sep 15, 2024: Me in the planning stage of the new piece: I can’t wait to get the actual writing! Me in the writing stage: oh no

Sep 14, 2024: Crossposting from is very satisfying, in that I can write without being sucked into the social media platform. But I haven’t figured …

Sep 14, 2024: As the weather turns darker, it’s the perfect time to listen to a favorite album of queer anticapitalist klezmer. Ferocious and beautifully …

Sep 14, 2024: Breathe in, breathe out. Just once. Take a sip of the space you are in.

Sep 13, 2024: Some very helpful, grounded business advice in here. How to start an email list, for artists: …

Sep 13, 2024: When I’m feeling down the way I do today, I come back to Richter playing BWV 582.…

Sep 12, 2024: It’s always an option to restart from wherever you are now.

Sep 12, 2024: Plan for after work: kitchen tasks composing session: continuing to plan the tempo map for this project drawing session: more practice with Reilly …

Sep 11, 2024: Some photos from the fair: This bunny named ‘With Intent’ A prize-winning flower A beautiful large bonsai (some type of Japanese juniper, …

Sep 11, 2024: Every year at the state fair I relearn that draft horses are absolutely HUGE animals

Sep 11, 2024: Off to the state fair for the day!

Sep 11, 2024: Planning the proportions of a new track is hard. For filmed media, some fenceposts are already in place—total length and the major emotional beats. …

Sep 11, 2024: The thing I love about three cats, that I couldn’t anticipate when we adopted the third, is the ‘energy field’ you get to sit in. As …

Sep 11, 2024: The smell of a fresh bag of coffee beans #littlethings

Sep 10, 2024: Buying dinner for a friend then heading to Street Fighter locals. A nice evening off =)

Sep 10, 2024: I’m working on my pencil drawing skills this month. Love Life Drawing is an excellent YouTube channel for both knowledge and encouragement, if …

Sep 10, 2024: Really easy to get sucked into a rabbit hole of building infrastructure for a thing, instead of doing the thing

Oct 27, 2023: Tanking on SF6 ranked this afternoon… but for the right reasons I’ve sealed up one of my biggest issues, which was inconsistent …

Oct 26, 2023: I’m definitely not sure how to connect this up to my main website. Or what my post ‘strategy’ ought to be. Or how to make it …

Oct 26, 2023: Hello, world! This morning I was reading about POSSE, the IndieWeb, and general self-empowering alternatives to our fractured social media architecture. This led me …